Wednesday, September 28, 2011

September 28, 2011

Oy! Such a day!  Up real early to  get ready for medical tests.  Fasting!  Race to Reisterstown.  Wait for an hour under a sign that reads: "Blood Draw Station"...  Race back to Westminster to find Edith Keeney to give her the only key to the Alumni Office.  Hurry up a lunch for Elaine and then  off to let Kim make me look like a movie star... then off to Pier One to buy gifts for three functions.. then off to get supper and then .. oh oh.. I forgot, at 7:00 I was supposed to  go to the Pipe Creek Civil War Round Table... can't do everything.   So, not much time left for this blog.. so it will be an abbreviated hour's worth.

1. End of an era..

Andy Rooney is retiring from CBS-TV's "60 minutes".. (I think this was the program which had a presentation on "finding your birth mother".. and started the process that allowed my brother Joe to find his Massachusetts family).. anyway, Andy started with "60 Minutes" when it started itself.. in 1978.  He stayed with the show fror 44 years!  In 1988, he began his special part of the show, before that he was involved, but not a "star."  I think that Andy is now 92 years old.. but don't write him off just yet.  I think we'll be seeing more of him in the near future.

2.  Bam!

Emeril LaGasse.. Fall River, Massachusetts' pride and joy is very sad today.  His mentor, Ines DeCosta died this weekend at the age of 79.  Ines' family ran a nice Portuguese restaurant in Fall River (8 miles from my hometown of New Bedford) and Emeril spent long hours watching her and learning how to cook.

I think that this is her Recipe for good Portuguese Kale Soup:

Take a few pounds of good green kale, and one friendly Portuguese wife.  Then get the hell out of her kitchen and let her make some kale soup!

3.  Scruffy guys..

For some time now, I have been bothered by these actors who think it is sexy to have constant 5-O'clock shadow.  Apparently, some ladies must think so too, or it wouldn't continue.  Guys like Hugh Laurie on House.. If I had a doctor that treated me and looked like a bum, I would rush for a second opinion.

(BTW: did you know that Laurie was once Mr. Bean's sidekick, and often played a kind of effeminate Prince?)

Today, the newspaper feature called "Annie's Mailbox" had this observation, addressed to a questioner with the title: "Sloppy Old Man", who also didn't seem to like partially bearded guys.. as well as women who sported mustaches:

"...A loving heart is the most important attribute of any relationship.  But there is no excuse for either men or women to become unshaven, unkempt pigs because they have become complacent." 

Many years ago, my late wife and I had fun following the careers of the Monkey Lady and the Alligator Man.   He had a bad skin condition that made him look like he had alligator scales.. and she had a flat nose and a luxurient mustache and beard.  They got married and retired to Sarasota, Florida.  They were real nice circus people who did not mind being stared at.

My point in all this is:  if you are going to allow your facial hair to grow.. go all the way!  Don't be wishy washy about it.  There is a lady in the Westminster, Maryland area who has a very nice mustache that she keeps trimmed... I admire her for that.

4.  Enlarging the brain?

A new magazine (I think) popped out at me today.  Its called Ideas and Discoveries, and is written to tickle your thought processes.  One of the provocative questions in the magazine is:  Can bodybuilding raise your IQ?

A Danish study indicates that when muscles are stimulated, a protein knows as BDNF is produced by the brain.  Apparently BDNF has something to do with forming new learning experiences.

I bought the magazine because it purported to answer many of the everyday questions that humans pose.. and seldom get answers for.   Stay tuned.

5.  Zoom, Zoom.. can you hear that?

The Week magazine mentions that chemists at Tufts University have created the world's smallest electric motor out of a single molecule.  60,000 times thinner than a human hair!!

OK.. even though stimulated, my brain can't handle the idea of such a motor.  However, I like the last line of the report:  " could one day be developed into microscopic machinery to perform single-cell surgery or power minuscule computer chips."

Can you even imagine what this world is going to be like in the next 100 years?!


My skinny hour is over.  See Ya.


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